
Welcome to Ed-U-College

We look forward to welcoming you to the Ed-U-College family!
Ed-U-College Combined Independent School became a full-time school in 1992 after successfully presenting part-time classes since 1988. We offer tuition from Grade R to Grade 12 according the CAPS curriculum in Witbank, Emalahleni. We are situated on the fringe of the CBD in on the corner of Smuts Avenue and Walter Sisulu Street. We have beautiful grounds with lovely lawns, big, old trees, and well-equipped classrooms as well as a science laboratory and multi-media/computer centre. We are managed by two Directors – Mrs A. Lee and Mrs K. Jacobs.

We are proud of our soccer field which was once upon a time the bowling greens. Our Grade 12s write the NSC yearly and are phenomenally successful – in 2019 we were awarded for being the best overall school in Mpumalanga with a 100% matric pass rate. With an enormous influx of new pupils from all over the province and a dedicated staff of almost 50 teachers, Ed-U-College will go from strength to strength!

Every year our school is overwhelmed by parents who want their children to attend our school. Sadly, many of these parents wait too long and we have to turn them away. To avoid disappointment, please register timeously from 1 July every year to ensure that your child has a space.

Ed-U-College follows the CAPS curriculum of the Department of Basic Education for all grades and tuition is through the medium of English. Provision is made for Matriculation Exemption and Senior Certificate. The school is registered as a full-time Independent School and Examination Centre with the Department of Basic Education.

Our school is safe and accessible for all visitors. We have an alarm system and a permanent security guard on the premises as well as a safety fence around the perimeter of our school. Our learners engage in various cultural activities such as drama, arts festival, and choral events. Sport is an important part of education and we offer mini cricket, netball, soccer, and Inter-house athletics. Our learners also can partake in our “Fun Days” and educational trips. An “Entrepreneur’s Day” is an educational, fun day where learners can apply their knowledge in creating their own businesses with the help of specially trained educators.

We strive to raise the academic skills levels of the students by providing them with stable, sufficient, educational foundation which provides access to a wide spectrum of career opportunities as well as enabling them to fulfil their roles as full citizens of this country. Guidance and vocational guidance are provided on a continuous basis as part of the school program. A qualified councillor is available when required.

Interested parties should collect a registration form from the school office, complete it and pay the registration fee applicable. The learner’s latest results and a copy of the birth certificate should be attached.

Mission Statement

At Ed-U-College we are committed to the following:

  • Quality education
  • Care and compassion
  • Opportunities for all
  • Faith in God
  • Lifelong learning
  • Excellence and perseverance

We will achieve this by:

  • Believing in the value and uniqueness of every child
  • Working towards a high standard of qualifications of all students and teachers
  • Living life with laughter and enjoyment
  • Transforming children into responsible adults

We are dedicated to:

  • Believing in the value and uniqueness of every child
  • Working towards a high standard of qualifications of all students and teachers
  • Living life with laughter and enjoyment
  • Transforming children into responsible adults


  • To provide an excellent education service
  • To ensure student and parent support and community involvement
  • To provide the student with a wider social exposure
  • To contribute to the total development of the student


Educational Principles

The National Curriculum and Assessment Policy is followed for all grades. Tuition takes place in English. Provision is made for Matriculation Exemption as well as Senior Certificate. Final examinations are written during October / November.

  • A child-orientated approach
  • Proper guidance by specially selected and qualified teachers
  • Stimulating the child by providing study aids and material that will enrich his/her environment
  • Actively involving the child in the learning process thus stimulating his/her ability to think independently and creatively
  • Building the child’s self-confidence by following a positive approach
  • Providing the child with a wider social exposure, contributing to his/her total development, and fostering a healthy self-image
  • Using the best study material
  • Focusing on enrichment and remedial work

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the school, students must apply by completing a registration form. Students need a birth certificate or identity document and an original report and/or academic record from their previous school. Student must fall into the age and/or subject profile of the grade and/or class. Class numbers will be taken into consideration prior to registration for quality teaching and learning.

The Education Department’s age restriction for Grade R and Grade 1 are adhered to and the minimum requirements for progressing to the next grade are based on the NCS of the Department of Basic Education. The school, however, reserves the right as an independent institution and according to the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 to limit and/or admit students at our discretion.

Our aim is always the best interest of the school community and the individual.


Quality Assurance, Registration and Monitoring

As an independent school we meet all the requirements for accreditation by Umalusi. We are registered and monitored by the Provincial Education Department. We fulfil the requirements stipulated in the norms and standards of the Department of Basic Education. Our average matric pass rate since 2010 is 94% – this is proof that we are striving for excellence.



We operate within our legal registration as a Section 21 company (NPO).


Parents and Community

We keep in constant communication with parents/guardians and sponsors. We report quarterly on the progress of the students through term reports and activities at school also through newsletters, parents’ evenings, circulars, emails, Facebook and our SMS system.


The school is equipped with an alarm system and has a permanent security guard.


Previous Matric Results

We place an exceedingly high priority on academic achievement. In this regard we present diplomas, trophies, bursaries, and prizes at our annual prize giving ceremony to students who constantly excel and take pride in academic, sport and social achievements.

2010 : 87%
2011 : 93%
2012 : 85%
2013 : 98%
2014 : 98%
2015 : 96%
2016 : 91%
2017 : 94%
2018 : 94%
2019 : 100%
2020 : 100%
2021 : 92%
2022 : 100%

Going the extra mile

Life, Financial and Entrepreneurial Skills
As these skills are especially important and do not form part of the formal curriculum, time is allocated for the development of these skills in the students by specially trained teachers. Entrepreneurial days are part of the school program and special attention is given in Life Orientation to guide students for the future.
Cultural Activities
Students engage in various cultural activities such as drama and Arts Festival. We produce a musical or play every second year in which all students participate. We also have singing groups and a choir on certain occasions. Debating, chess and Olympiads are also encouraged.
Computer Studies
Computer studies are presented to pupils in a specially equipped computer centre. Computer Applications Technology is an examination subject in Grades 10 -12.
Sports such as soccer, netball and mini cricket are provided for students who wish to participate in league matches between schools. Fun sports days also take place where classes and teams compete against each other. Sports tours are also included and a wider contact with peers encouraged.
Study Methods
Many students do not reach their full potential because of inadequate study methods. Ed-U-College pays special attention to this problem by teaching correct study methods. Yearly aptitude tests for all grade 9s are part of our effort to equip students for the future.
Overhead projectors and data projectors are available to all teachers. Other audio-visual aids include a television, video recorders and music centre. Modern Science and Biology apparatus is available to students in our fully equipped Science Laboratory. We have an interactive multi-media centre for students.

School Uniform

It’s important you make the right impression, please insure that your school uniform is correct and tidy. On our website you will find a list of the correct dress code for all grades.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

[Nelson Mandela]


Our registrations for the next academic year open on the first Monday of July, annually. Click bellow to view the requirements for registrations and documents. No admittance in without correct documents.

Kindly visit the School office for registration documents and any enquiries or follow the link below to download.

Registration fee is payable with submission of registration forms.